Join us for this lively performance of traditional dance, music and song, as Puerto Rican Folkloric dancers and musicians premier new estampas "Recuerdos de Borinquen", "Plena Dominguera", and new Bombas de Puerto Rico. Come celebrate the mountains of Puerto Rico with world-class Jibaro music and dance, as PRFDance takes the stage with special guests Guateque de Puerto Rico in the joyful "Canto al Cafe".
This exciting celebration of traditional music and dance from Spanish, native Taino, and West African roots takes place on July 12 (8pm) and July 13 (2pm) at the State Theater, 719 Congress Avenue in downtown Austin, Texas. Admission, reserved seating $15. Discount at the THEATRE BOX OFFICE for children 12 & under ($10), lap children (2 & under) FREE. Tickets available at the theatre box office, at any Albertsons in Texas, or through Star Tickets, 1-512-469-SHOW or 1-888-597-STAR. Star Tickets also offers ONLINE purchase (requires you invent a password and sign in).
This joyful performance of Puerto Rican traditions is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Texas Arts Commission on the Arts, the City of Austin under the Auspices of the Austin Arts Commission, the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, Central Market, Junior League of Austin, IBM, Target, Red Lion Inn, Garcia Communications, Puerto Rican Federal Affairs Administration, and other priviate and industry sponsors. See our website or call us for more information.