Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance

Sembrando Herencia 2006

"Cuando Puerto Rico comprenda el valor de su folclor,
luchara' con mucha fuerza para defender su honor."
           -- Don Rafael Cepeda Atiles

Sembrando Herencia is our annual full-length performance that passes on our heritage to a new generation! Enjoy photos from this year's Sembrando which debuted our newest mini-musical PiraguaMan!! Our audience cheered -- and sang along -- as Puerto Rico's newest SuperHero fought to save Puerto Rico from destruction! This PRFDance original, bilingual musical was the brainchild of PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard and was produced in collaboration with Rupert Reyes, Director of Teatro Vivo. We were especially honored when the amazingly funny Rupert joined our cast as the bad guy, Sr. Vanilla. Although PiraguaMan and his adventures are purely fictional, our story is rich in Puerto Rican history and traditions. Enjoy our investigation of the powerful historical settings in which our delightful, funny, action-adventure musical takes place! Also enjoy photos from the other half of our show, when our Performing Company shared the stage with our Performing Arts Students in a joyful celebration of traditional dance, music and song.

A beautiful day in Central Park!

Rosario Appears!

Into the cart and off to the Mountains of Puerto Rico!

Off to the Caña Fields!

The Future is in Your Hands!

At the Plaza!

Back Home!

"Cuando Puerto Rico comprenda el valor de su folclor,
luchara' con mucha fuerza para defender su honor."
           -- Don Rafael Cepeda Atiles

Also enjoy the end of year Student Recital.
See Photo Album for other past performances!

For more information:
Dr. Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Cultural Center Address: 701 Tillery Street #13, Austin TX 78702-3738 (Map & Directions)
Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728-4555
Phone: +1.512.251.8122      Email: dance@prfdance.org          Web: www.prfdance.org     
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OutServ.net, Inc. and Flametree Corporation Consulting Services