We share all we have with the world-wide-web because we realize what a treasure we have created. Much of what you find here is a result of years of in-depth research on and off the island, the purchase of rare and hard to find books, and education by respected masters on the island. Please don't take our photos, graphics and text without permission -- especially for use on your website without telling people who we are! Our photos and graphics should not appear on your website by copy or link without permission. Doing any of this is not very nice and breaks the US Copyright Law! (See below.)
We are **always** happy to help those working on school projects. If you are a student or teacher and would like to use our information for educational purposes, do email us and ask for written permission. You almost always hear from us within 24 hours. We almost always give permission for school projects. All we typically ask in return is to be acknowledged for our very hard work (name, contact information on your project).
Anyone who has ever done good research will recognize the hard work that has gone into what we have put together, and will appreciate our careful documentation of our research sources. Please respect us, so we can continue to grow and provide this valuable resource with the world-wide-web community.
Dr. Ana Maria Maynard
Founding Director
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