We are grateful for season of support from the following Major Funders!
National Endowment for the Arts - Artworks
The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture
The Texas Commission on the Arts
Humanities Texas
the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities
The MAP Fund
The City of Austin
The City of Austin Economic Development Department.
Become a SUSTAINING DONOR with a recurring MONTHLY donation!
Or DONATE through PAYPAL GIVING FUND (no fees are subtacted)!
Official Web host & IT Solutions
Albizu Law Firm
PRFDance Legal Advisory
Shalom Austin JCC
Indigenous Cultures Institute
Mexican American Cultural Center
Sons of Boriken MC
And many private donors!
PRCC Familia - Private Donors!!
Ad Sales - Printed Programs & Shout Outs!!
Become a SUSTAINING DONOR with a recurring MONTHLY donation!
Or DONATE through PAYPAL GIVING FUND (no fees are subtacted)!