Puerto Rico Cultural Center Reacts to Devastating Puerto Rico Earthquakes , Fox News, January 7, 2020.
PRFDance Family Online Portrait - Covid Year of Programs
- Suelta el Monõ: The Herstories and Perpetuators of Bomba Culture [PDF], Melanie Maldonado, Centro: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Vol XXXI, No. II, Summer 2019.
- Play Tells Story of "Las Lavanderas" of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Spectrum News, December 14, 2019.
- Cultura en Austin: 3 must-see December events (Las Lavanderas), by Nancy Flores, Statesman.com, December 5, 2019.
- Puerto Rican Cultural Center celebrates 22nd birthday, Spectrum News, September 16, 2019.
There's No Backing Down: Local Reaction to Puertoi Rico.pdf" Spectrum News contacts Cultural Center for local reaction to events in Puerto Rico, August 3, 2019.
- Where to Salsa in Austin: The Puerto Rican Cultural Center's Salsa & Heritage Festival . KXAN Studio 512. Fun interview with Bomba dance demo, June 19, 2019.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center holds Earth Day Event, Spectrum News, April 22, 2018.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center hosts Octavitas Celebration, Spectrum News, January 21, 2018.
New Year, New Hobby Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance, KVUE News Insider, January 12, 2018.
On September 20, 2017 the devastating Category 4 Hurricane Maria left the Island without
electricity, clean water, or cell phone coverage for weeks. For many these conditions
persisted for months -- the rest of the year 2017 and on into 2018. Because we have a
dedicated cultural center we were able to turn on a dime, days after the hurricane and
launched a hurricane relief initiative out of our cultural center. All of Austin's major TV
stations (English & Spanish language) supported us as we worked with the local community to
collect and send emergency supplies to the Island (Sept-Oct 2017). Well into 2018, we also helped Puerto
Ricans connect with social services as they migrated to Austin to start again after losing everything;
they were forced to leave the Island after many businesses and schools in Puerto Rico were not able to reopen after the hurricane.
Here is some of the coverage (and video above):
Continuing Rebuilding Efforts in Puerto Rico , Fox7 Good Day News, Dec 12, 2017. Three months later, Puerto Rico is still in crisis. Puerto Rican Cultural Center calls for resourced to help Boricuas arriving in Austin.
- Update on hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico, FOX 7 News, October 25, 2017.
- Apoyo desde lejos, !! COVER PHOTO!! , Ahora Si, October 19, 2017.
Locales funcionan como centros de acopio para ayudar a Puerto Rico, Perla Arellano Ahora Si /American Statesman, Sept. 27, 2017.
Central Texans work to help Puerto Rico,
Perla Arellano Ahora Si /American Statesman, Sept. 27, 2017.
- Como puedes ayudar puerto rico tras devastacion del huracan Maria, Alejandro Martinez-Cabrera, American Statesman (translated), Sept. 21, 2017.
Austin cultural center hosts Puerto Rico relief effort,
Carlos Garcia, Spectrum News Austin, September 26, 2017.
How Austinites can help hurricane victims in Puerto Rico,
Chelsea Cunningham, KVUE, September 25, 2017
- Donor fatigue may be impacting aid to Puerto Rico
Courtney Schoenemann, CBS NEWS, September 26th 2017.
- Austin's Puerto Rican Cultural Center collecting donations Fox7 News, Sept 25, 2017.
- Local Puerto Rican families rally to aid family members hit by Hurricane Maria ,
Fred Cantu, CBS News Austin, Monday, September 25th 2017
- Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts,
Amanda Salias, Fox7 News, Sept 27, 2017. [Embedded Video Below] See also:
Facebook Video Link (embedded above).
End of Special Hurricane Coverage.
- PRFDance Presenta Decimoquinta Obra - Perla Arellano, Ahora Si, November 30, 2017.
- Culture in Motion
by Jennifer Simonson & Aaron Rimbey, EASTside ATX Magazine, February/March 2017 Issue, published Jan 26, 2017.
- Puerto Rican Cultural Center offers week of free classes. Spectrum News, January 23, 2017.
Musica y Danza contectan a Puertorriquenos con su Tierra, Ahora Si, June 2, 2016.
- Cultures Dance their way into Austin ,
Nick Castillo, Sara Eunice Martinez, Kaylee Nemec, Multimedianewsroom.us, May 4, 2016
- American Statesman Photos of the Week (Jan 18-24) , also
myStatesman Photos of the Week (Jan 18-24) ,
Photo 1 of 13, Austin American-Statesman, January 26, 2016.
- Folklore goes into Motion , Metro/State (cover), Austin American-Stateman, January 26, 2016.
- Puerto Rican Dance Studio Expands its Program , Time Warner Cable News, January 10, 2016.
[PDF] ,
Cultures Dance their way into Austin , by Sara Eunice Martinez,
Department of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin, Apr 29, 2016. Photos, Kaylee Nemec.
- Food is familia: Local Latinos share why food helps shape identity,
Nancy Flores, Austin Gente, American Statesman, November 18, 2014. Interview by PRFD Director. [PDF]
Cultura en Austin: Copa Mundial, Huapango y festival Bomba, eventos que no puedes perderte en junio ,
Ahora Si, Nancy Flores, May 28, 2014. Report includes promotion of Celebrando 2014 Salsa & Bomba Festival.
Puerto Rican cultural fest highlights dance, music, food [PDF] , American Statesman,
Nancy Flores, May 29, 2014. Report includes promotion of Celebrando 2014 Salsa & Bomba Festival.
- Boricua Spirit , Texas Folklife, November 26, 2013. Boricua Spirit with Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Center.
[ PDF ]
- Salsa y Jibaro , Ahora Si, July 4, 2013. Ahora Si takes a photo lookback at our Celebrando 2013 Salsa & Jibaro Festival.
[ Online Version] ,
[ PDF Version ]
- El Centro Cultural y de Danza Folklorica de Austin, celebra las Octavitas. Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center celebrates Octavitas, Sarykarmen Rivera, Telemundo, January 21, 2013.
- Octavitas: A Puerto Rican Octavitas: A Puerto Rican Celebration,
Jessica Ramirez, Austin Vida Magazine, January 18, 2013.
[ PDF Version ].
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Company celebrates fifteen years.
American Statesman photo gallery (5 photos), Sunday, September 9, 2012.
Also enjoy [ Photo ] from Statesman newsprint, Monday, September 10, 2012.
Cultural celebration reflects dance to Election Day, Sebastian Robertson, YNN Austin, September 10,2012 [ PDF ].
- Taino Earth Celebration & Picnic, Mariposa Newsletter, Mariposa.com, April 2012.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance celebrates Octavitas , We are Austin.com, January 2012.
- Puerto Rican cultural center celebrates Octavitas, Austin Vida, January 9, 2012.
- Celebrate Puerto Ricans in Central Texas @ Octavitas, World Cultures Austin.com, January 2012.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance celebrates Octavitas Holiday,
TreeHuggers.com, January 2012.
"Boricua Beisbol at the Long Center," Nancy Flores, Austin American Statesman, December 4, 2011 [PDF]
- Puerto Rican center hits home run with folkloric show, Austin Vida, November 13, 2011
"Show de danza captura cultura boricua y el beisbol," Nancy Flores, Ahora si, December 1st, 2011. Dance show captures Boricua culture and Baseball [PDF]
- "Puerto Rican center hits home run with folkloric show", Austin Vida, November 13, 2011.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Staging Boricua Beisbol on December 4th Austin OnStage, November 2011.
- "Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance to Perform at Houston Cultural Festival on October 22nd", Rob Faubion, AustinOnStage.com, October 18, 2011.
- "More Latinos identify as Native American, census shows," By Laurie Guthmann, CNN, September 30, 2011.
Celebrate the Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance of Austin's 10 Year Anniversary,
Austin Vida, June 21, 2011
- "Never too young to dance", Kelly West, Austin American-Statesman, Monday, May 23, 2011. Photo from Esperanza de la Herencia 2011 makes Metro & State section of the paper.
- " Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Stages Free Esperanza de la Herencia...",
Rob Faubion, AustinOnStage.com, May 13, 2011. Also enjoy the:
[PDF] &
- "Rich in Tradition", Julie Rene Tran, Daily Texan Staff, Thursday, April 21, 2011. A visit by Daily Texas Staff to our cultural center.
[Online Article].
- Roaring good fortune Laura Skelding, January 24, 2011. Octavitas photo on the front cover of Austin American Statesman's Metro & State.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Hosts annual Octavitas Celebration on January 23rd - weareaustin.com, January 8, 2011. Article brings news of our upcoming event Celebrating Octavitas & Chinese New Year.
- Celebrando 2010 con "500 ANos" - ahorasi.com, December 2, 2010. Cast Photo on inside cover (page 2) announces upcoming show!
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance stages first ever Tri-Lingual Musical, "500 Years" - weareaustin.com, November 17, 2010. Article brings news of our upcoming musical.
- Watson celebrates Native American Heritage Month, John (Alan) Bivens, IBM News, November 16, 2010. (Posted with permission.)
- Yadira's Austin: Puerto Rican culture,
Yadira Izquierdo, Austin Post, November 20, 2010.
- "Aprendiendo de su raices indigenas boricuas" - ahorasi.com, September 23, 2010. Photo and report on inside cover (page 2) shows cultural center members proudly displaying their artesania from our Taino Macana making workshop.
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and Cultural Center Celebrates 13th Anniversary , Rob Faubion, Austin On Stage Magazine & This Week in Texas Magazine, August 24th, 2010.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and Cultural Center Celebrates 13th Anniversary , Rob Faubion, weareaustin.com, August 28th, 2010.
- The Taino Experience, Teresa Carbajal Ravet, Examiner.com: Austin Latino Neighborhoods Examiner, August 20th, 2010.
- Celebrando Performance", Anthony Diaz, Ahora Si American Statesman, June 27, 2010. Media photographer visits our performance.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance stages Celebrando 2010 on June 26 and 27, weareaustin.com, June 22, 2010.
- Las bondades de la danza", Gissela SantaCruz, Ahora Si American Statesman, June 24, 2010. The importance on preserving cultural heritage.
- La historia de Puerto Rico a traves la danza, Gissela SantaCruz, Ahora Si American Statesman, June 26, 2010. The history of Puerto Rico through dance.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Staging Performance to Benefit Young Girl with Epilepsy , weareaustin.com, May 12, 2010.
- Decimated Tribe Seeks Recognition Through 2010 Census, Lydia Craft, Voices of America, April 5, 2010. Interview aired on world-wide radio program and as a written report.
- "5-6-7-8 - it's census time," Deborah Cannon, American Statesman, March 13, 2010. Photo of performance at the Texas State Capitol, Census Rally 2010.
- "Indigenas quieren hacerse contar en el Censo," Tania Lara, Ahora Si American Statesman, March 3, 2010. Hispanics of Native Origins will be counted in the Census.
"Sabor tejano a salsa y plena," Gerardo Cordero, El Nuevo Dia, 25 de enero 2010. One of Puerto Rico's leading newspapers writes about PRFDance's cultural center and mission in Texas!
- Puerto Ricans in Austin still celebrating Christmas!
- CBS-TV KEYE Austin Live, Jason Wheeler, January 22, 2010. PRFDance Director Tekina-eiru' Maynard
was invited to KEYE-TV Austin Live to talk about Octavitas, a holiday season closing event full of tradition. The interview featured video clips (included with article) of
PRFDance performing Jibaro music and dance, and our favorite teachers from
Mayaguez, Los Tambores de Felix Alduen performing Bomba.
- Decimated Tribe Seeks Recognition Through 2010 Census, Lydia Craft, Voices of America, April 5, 2010. Interview aired on world-wide radio program and as a written report.
- Puerto Ricans in Austin still celebrating Christmas!
- CBS-TV KEYE Austin Live, January 22, 2010.
PRFDance Director Tekina-eiru' Maynard was invited to KEYE-TV Austin Live to talk about
Octavitas, a holiday season closing event full of tradition. The interview featured video clips of
PRFDance performing Jibaro music and dance, and our favorite teachers from
Mayaguez, Los Tambores de Felix Alduen, performing Bomba.
- Community celebrates end of Puerto Rican Christmas - News8 Austin TV, January 24, 2010.
News8 brought their cameras to enjoy the Octavitas festivities and interview our PRFDance Director Tekina-eiru' Maynard on the significance behind this event.
- Community celebrates end of Puerto Rican Christmas - News8 Austin TV, January 24, 2010. News8 brought their cameras to enjoy the Octavitas festivities and interview our PRFDance Director on the significance behind this event.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Hosts annual Octavitas Celebration on January 24th - weareaustin.com, January 19, 2010. Article brings news of our upcoming event to the community.
- Dancing and Singing for a Puerto Rican Holiday, Rob Faubion, Tripvine: Austin Arts Insider, AOL Travel, Dec. 2, 2009. AOL Travel promotes PRFDance's upcoming musical.
- Puerto Rican Cultural Center Spotlight [mp3], Podcast Interview (audio) by James Fritz, UT-Austin Journalism Cultural Project Series, UT-Austin Journalism Dept, Oct. 2009. Podcast series visits PRFDance Cultural Center to enjoys a percussion class. William Maynard, PRFDance Jr. Musico and Percussion Teacher is interviewed.
- Puerto Rican culture center celebrates 12 years , News8 Austin TV, September 14, 2009. News 8 Austin brings their TV cameras out to enjoy PRFDance's 12th Birthday celebration performance and interview PRFDance Director Tekina-eiru' Maynard. [PDF]
Interview w/ Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard , Austin Latino Neighborhood Examiner, Teresa Carbajal Ravet, September 10, 2009. [PDF].
PRFDance Director Tekina-eiru' Maynard talks about PRFDance's 12 years of cultural mission.
- Puerto Ricans in Austin hail Sotomayor pick", Juan Castillo, Austin American Statesman,May 26, 2009.
1st Annual Taino Awards - Founding Director recognized in
in awards ceremony in New York City, March 28, 2009.
Hurrican Ike Coverage: The Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and Cultural Center sponsored a food drive... &
Closeup Photo,
Kelly West, Austin American Statesman, Sept 15, 2008.
- Good Morning America/Despierta Austin Edition, June 13, 2008.
Tekina-eiru' Maynard and Cacike Caciba Opil (Martin Veguilla) of the Concilio Taino appeared on Good Morning America/Despierta Austin Edition. They spoke of Taino history and of the Taino people today. Their interview included a performance of original music featuring Taino native instruments including mayohuacan
(ceremonial log drum), flute and maraca.
- Good Morning America/Despierta Austin Edition, April 25, 2008.
Tekina-eiru' Maynard and Makitari Ramos appeared on Good Morning
America/Despierta Austin Edition, calling all Tainos, sports fans, and dance
lovers to bring their maraca and come enjoy Texas's first Taino community event,
Texas' 1st Taino Day, Batu' Game and Areyto Dance, held on April 27, 2008.
- Orlando Sentinel Newspaper, March 14, 2008.
Tekina-eiru' Maynard shared insights on the new generation of Tainos growing up
on the Mainland in light of the recent Taino archeological discovery
uncovered in Ponce (October 2007) of the oldest Antillean Indian ceremonial
and sporting complex yet uncovered in Puerto Rico, consisting of nine ball
courts and three ceremonial plazas.
- Univision TV News, July 2, 2007 - PRFDance Director, Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard was interviewed for a Univision spotlight highlighting her contribution to the Hispanic Community. Dr. Maynard spoke of her work at the Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center, as well as her career at IBM, where she is a Researcher for the IBM Austin Human Ability & Accessibility Center.
- Univision TV News, June 20, 2007.
Univision brought their TV cameras out interview PRFDance and the ALL-STAR cast of Puerto Rican Masters,
who have been training us over the last 10 years. They came to Austin to celebrate our 10th Anniversary
with a special performance, CELEBRANDO 2007 - 10TH ANNIVERSARY MAESTROS REUNION, June 23 & 24, 2007.
- Charismatic leader creates Austin Puerto Rican center,
Shermakaye Bass, Austin American Statesman XL, August 10, 2006.
Photo from SlideShow &
Closeup Photo.
- Cultural center now has permanent location , News8Austin, August 6, 2006.
- News8 Austin TV, August 6, 2006. News8 Austin reported LIVE from PRFDance
as we celebrated the grand opening of our new permanent facility. LIVE coverage ran top and bottom of every
hour (7-9am). News8 returned in the afternoon for our Grand Opening, Open House "Bombazo" Celebration
and interview people who drove in from as far away as Houston, San Antonio, Killeen and
Dallas for this important day for Puerto Rican culture in Texas, the opening
of the largest Puerto Rican cultural center in the Southwest United States!
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center
Housewarming! , by Robert Faires, Austin Chronicle, August 4th, 2006. Austin Chronicle, Austin's Arts newspaper's, coverage of our cultural center grand opening.
- Compania de baile abre su nuevo estudio -
by Gissela SantaCruz, American Statesman Ahora Si, July 29, 2006. Our City newspaper (Spanish language addition) covers our cultural center grand opening.
- Dance performance moved after theatre floods , News8 Austin TV, June 26, 2006.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric show changes location, News8 Austin TV, June 18, 2006.
News8 TV coverage of the State Theatre flooding that permanently (it seems) closed this theatre down. We did have a happy ending (last minute location change) and a great show!
- Austin City Cultural Plan, Julie Moody, KUT Radio, June 22, 2006. PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard talks about PRFDance's contribution to the City of Austin's Cultural Scene.
- 'Puerto Rico tiene ya su dia en Austin
by Jorge Oliver, Rumbo Austin newspaper, Dec 13, 2005.
City of Austin declared December 11, 2005 "Dia de folclor Puertorriquena en Austin."
- 'Puerto Rico Mi Patria' Saving the Island for Themselves -
by Barry Pineo,
Austin Chronicle , December 9, 2005. Story on
PRFDance history and the history behind our upcoming musical, Puerto Rico Mi Patria.
- ¡BAILA! al ritmo de Puerto Rico (Cover Shot) -
by American Statesman Ahora Si, December 1, 2005
¡BAILA! al ritmo de Puerto Rico (page 1) &
(page 2),
or [Web Version] -
by Gissela SantaCruz, American Statesman Ahora Si, December 1, 2005. Gorgeous cover shot of PRFDance lead dancers, and accompanying cover story.
"Ana MaríMaynard: fiel embajadora de la cultura de Puerto Rico" -
by Josefina Villicana, American Statesman Ahora Si, December 1, 2005. Story on PRFDance's fearless leader, Ana Maria Maynard.
- Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and Cultural Center: Where Creativity Celebrates Tradition -
by Autumn Rhea Carpenter, Austin Woman Magazine, December 2005. Article on PRFDance's cultural mission and our Director's childhood memories that inspired its founding.
- Avalan folclor boricua en Austin -
by Jorge Oliver, Rumbo Austin newspaper, November 10, 2005. Article on PRFDance's afiliation with the Institute of Puerto Rican culture.
- Puerto Rican cultural center honored News8 Austin TV, November 10, 2006. News 8 Austin's TV cameras covers the formal recognition of PRFDance with the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture at City Hall. The Intituto sent an official government representation for this occassion.
PRFDance Affiliation to Inst. of PR Culture, Nov 10, 2005 -
News8 Austin, Univision, the City of Austin TV, as well as the American Statesman and Rumbo Newspapers reported the good news: on November 10, 2005, the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture came to Austin to announce that it has named the Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and Cultural Center the 5th Affiliated Cultural Center on the Mainland US! This designation, announced in Puerto Rico in October, brings Austin on par with Chicago and Florida where the other active cultural centers are located.
- Culture Flash! "The Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center has just become affiliated...", Robert Faires, Austin Chronicle, November 18, 2005.
- Mujeres Maravillosas [HUGE MP3 FILE (17M)] - Dr. Ana Maria Maynard featured guest. Joy Diaz, talk show host, 1414AM, October 10, 2005, 6:30pm. Right click on link and save to best listen to the interview!
- Compania de danza boricua busca sede -
by Constanza Morales, Rumbo Austin newspaper, July 20, 2005. Our search for a new home...
- LatiNation on American Latino TV, July 17 & Sept 11, 2005. LatiNation's NY film crew
came to Austin to film PRFDance for a documentary featuring live music and dance to educate on Puerto Rican
culture and folklore. LatiNation airs in major cities -- more than 70 major markets across the country
and the Caribbean -- from LA and San Francisco to every major Texas city to Chicago, Miami,
New York, as well as Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
- Un poco de sabor boricua -
by Gissela SantaCruz, American Statesman Ahora Si, June 16, 2005.
- Reyes Tambien Pasan Por Austin -
by Constanza Morales, Rumbo Austin newspaper, January 5, 2005.
- Puerto Rico danza su historia &
More Photos - story and photos by
Rumbo Austin newspaper, December 12, 2004. Photos were shot during performance and appeared in Rumbo Austin with our restricted permission (newsarticle only).
- IBMer's creative outlet a local institution:
Ann Marie Maynard shares Puerto Rico through nonprofit, Chris Nay, IBM Site Communications, IBM Corporation, July 26, 2004.
- Puerto Rico...(1st pages) and
Last Page story by
Dance With Me Magazine,
a Greek publication, distribution Europe, Nov/Dec 2004.
- In Progress...
- story by
Latin Beat Magazine,
a national & international publication, October 2004,
- Folkoric Puerto Rican dancing - News8 Austin, Arts Center Stage, June 25, 2004. Enjoy the video!
- Puerto Rican Folkoric Dance & Paracumbe - KUT Newsroom, June 26, 2004.
- News8 Austin "Arts Center Stage," June 25, 2004.
PRFDance and Paracumbe appear in this hourly televised news segment
in an interview and performance of Bomba and Plena from Puerto Rico's Southern Coast.
- FOX-TV "Capital Culture," June 25, 5:40-6pm, June 28, 5:30-6am.
PRFDance appears in a television interview and performance of some numbers
from our Pirates of Puerto Rico musical with live music on this segment of the news.
- UNIVISION TV News, June 24, 2004, 5pm and 10pm.
Our special guest Paracumbe appears in a television interview and performance
of Bomba and Plena from Puerto Rico's Southern Coast.
- KUT Radio Newsroom, June 26, 2004. Puerto Rican Folkoric Dance & Paracumbe
in a radio interview on Puerto Rican traditions and our upcoming performance.
- 'Esprit 2003!' crosses international borders - Austin American Statesman, Nov. 7, 2003
- "The Meteoric Rise of Austin's Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance," Guiro y Maraca, a national cultural publication, Vol. 7, Num. 3, July 2003.
- Celebrate Puerto Rican dance traditions - News8 Austin, July 11, 2003. Enjoy the video!
- FOX Morning Show - Oct 10, 2003, 6:30am, 7:00am. PRFDance will promote the upcoming Salsa Festival with a live performance on the FOX Morning Show. Interview with Director Ana Maria Maynard and
PRFDance Performing Company dances share the history of Plena and Bomba, which we will perform at the Salsa
Festival, Oct 12, 2003 at Waterloo Park.
- Univision News, July 11, 2003, 5pm. Live interview and musical
performance with Guateque de Puerto Rico.
- "Center Stage," News8 Austin, Friday, July 11, 2003.
Hourly news segment featuring an interview and musical performance
with PRFDance musicians and dancers.
- Friday Morning Rush Hour,
Garcia Communication Radio Stations (KELG, KKLB, KFON, KTXZ), July 11, 2003.
Live interview featuring PRFDancer Jennifer Rush.
- Puerto Ricans Enrich Our Lone Star State - San Antonio Express-News, December 7, 2002. Texas, we are proud to be here representing our Islita!
- Why They Dance - Austin Family, Resource of the Month, August 2002. Why do we dance?
- Puerto Rican culture comes to Austin
- News8 Austin, June 20, 2002. The Pleneros are coming, the Pleneros are coming!
- E_K_L_E_K_T_I_K_O_S
with John Aielli, KUT Radio 90.5 FM, Wednesday,
June 19, 11:00-11:40am. Exciting live radio interview and musical performance of totally improvised Bomba and
Plena with Los Pleneros de la 21 and PRFDance.
- KEYE-TV Morning Show, Thursday, June 20, 6:30am. Interview and
performance of Plena by PRFDance musicians and dancers.
- "Center Stage," News8 Austin TV, Friday, June 21.
Hourly news segment featuring an interview and musical performance with PRFDance musicians and dancers.
- Tapestry's cornucopia satiates the soul
- Austin American Statemsman, Life & Arts, Wednesday, February 27, 2002. Coverage of large community
dance event hosted by Tapestry Dance Company.
Austin Dance Company Flourishes... - Arts Center Stage Newsletter, Nov. 2001, p. 4.
Parenting People - Austin Our Kids, August 2001.
[PDF] Children are an important reason why we do this.
- Puerto Rican group dances through Austin
- News8 Austin, June 23, 2001. PRFDance brings a unique slice of Hispanice culture to Austin.
Spotlight on Dance - Austin Chronicle, June 22, 2001. PRDance Director shares some of her inspirations.
- Featured Arts Group - Austin Family, June 2001. We enjoyed working with this High School future-writer, helping her get her first publication credit.
Beyond 'Nutcracker': A World of Austin Dance
- Austin American Statemsman, Life & Arts, Friday, December 1, 2000. PRFDance offers a cultural alternative.
- FOX Morning Show - Aug 31, 2001 7:15am. PRFDance performs Plena
Baseball for FOX's television morning show Friday, Aug 31, 7:15am to promote the 4th annual Austin Salsa
Music Festival that will take place in Waterloo Park, Sept. 30, 1-9pm. Festival
will feature Puerto Rican Power direct from the Puerto Rico,
Tito Puente Jr., and salsa sensation from New York, Luisito Rosario.
- News 8 Austin's "CenterStage" - Saturday, June 23, 2001, Featured Every Hour, All Day.
PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard and Dancer Ricardo Palacios were
interviewed for News 8 Austin's hourly Arts Feature to promote PRFDance and
Celebrando 2001 with Modesto Cepeda.
- Fox Morning Show - Friday, June 22, 2001, 7am. TV appearance by Modesto Cepeda, members of
Cimiento and the Director of PRFDance promoted Celebrando
2001 with a live interview and a live Bomba performance!
- Planeta 1560AM Radio - Wednesday, June 20, 2001, 7am. Our very own, smooth
talking, ultra positive and energetic Gloria Gonzalez was interviewed to
promote Celebrando 2001 with Modesto Cepeda.
- UNIVISION TV "Desde Austin," with Amparo Ortiz - 1am, March 11, 2001.
Interview with PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard and featuring the PRFDance performing company
modelling costumes and dancing the traditional bailes of Puerto Rico. Oh Don Francisco!!!
We're here!!!
- FOX Morning Show - Friday, Sept 1st, 2000, 6am. PRFDance will promote the
Salsa Festival with a live performance on the FOX Morning Show. Interview with Ana Maria Maynard,
Director and the PRFDance Performing Company dances and shares the history of Plena
to promote the upcoming 2000 Austin Salsa Music Festival featuring Cuban favorite Albita and Puerto
Rican trombonist Jimmy Bosch, Waterloo Park, September 3rd, 2000.
- KVUE Morning Show - Friday, July 21, 2000, 6am. PRFDancers and Percussionists dance Bomba
live in the KVUE studio in tribute to West Africa's significant contribution to Puerto Rican Culture.
This event promotes the upcoming 4th Annual African American Festival of
Dance, Friday, July 21 at the Helm Fine Arts Center.
- Dancefest2000 Review
- Austin American Statemsman, Life & Entertainment, February 4, 2000. Largest dance production
Austin has ever seen, with more than 50 dance companies in performance.
Why Do They Do It? (PRFDance Interview) - Austin American Statesman, XL Entertainment, January 20, 2000.
Why is PRFDance so passionate about our culture?
Why Do They Do It? (All Interview) - Austin American Statesman, XL Entertainment,
January 20, 2000. Everyone gets their turn to talk about dance.
Every Motion Tells a Story - Austin American Statemsman,
Life & Entertainment, September 16, 1999. Life & Arts cover story features PRFDance in our first
ever cover-story media coverage. Yeah, we framed this one!
Collectivos: Seeds Of Our Ancestors - Austin Chronicle, Arts,
October 10, 1999. PRFDance represents Puerto Rico's ancestors in this community dance performance.
- CBS K-EYE TV Morning Show, Oct 12, 1999, at 7am.
Our dance company will perform Seis de Los Palitos for
K-EYE TV to promote the Austin Children Museum's International Festival at
Fiesta Gardens on Oct 16, 1999.
- Horizontes - KUT Radio, January 30, 1999. Two-hour music show featuring music of
Latin America. PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard, was interviewed for
a half-hour program promoting Puerto Rican music, history, and
their DANCEFEST performance on January 31, 1999.
- CBS K-EYE TV Morning Show - January 30, 1999.
The Bailes de las Montanas are featured on KEYE Morning Show
promoting DANCEFEST, January 31, 1999.
- K-EYE Morning Show - January 23, 1999.
PRFDance Director Ana Maria Maynard is interviewed and traditional Puerto
Rican costumes featured in a promotion of the family favorite
Austin Ethnic Fair later today.
- Austin Ethnic Fair - January 24, 1998. Our Debut
Performance! We dance with so much joy and pride and we got the loudest applause of the day. Guess no one
noticed there were only three of us?
- Additional 1998 list available upon request.
PRFDance Debut Performance - January 1998
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance
Great reasons to see us...again and again!
"Austin should be thankful for Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance and its
energetic founding director Ana Maria Maynard. They have opened our ears
and eyes to music and dance unfamiliar to most Texans."
-- Michael Barnes, Arts Critic, American Statesman, July 17, 2003.
"You have a a beautiful treasure in this company. Please support
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance." Juan Gutierrez, Director, Pleneros de
la 21, June 2002.
"The members of Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance aren't just performers,
they're cultural ambassadors." Shermakaye Bass, "Every Motion Tells a
Story," Austin American-Statesman, Sept. 16, 1999.
"You don't have to be Puerto Rican. This is the music and dance of the
people, and we're all people!" Santa Yanez-Montemayor, Board
Secretary (1999).
The Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance troupe offered a mix of folk dance,
pantomime and live music to open the show." Sondra Lomax, Dancefest Review,
Austin American-Statesman, February 4, 2000.
"Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance Company...cleansed the audience with their
beautiful white costumes...While executing joyous shimmies and
contractions." Barbejoy A. Ponzio, "Colectivos: Seeds of our Ancestors,"
Austin Chronicle, October 29, 1999.
"They're new and they've moved very fast and very far." Elaine LeMoyne,
volunteer panelist for the City of Austin Arts Commission, 1999.
We are bringing this culture to Austin because many people don't know much
about Puerto Rico, even thought it's been part of the United States for 100
years." Ana María Maynard, Founding Director.
"...performance was absolutely wonderful and added much color....your group
received the loudest applause of the day!." Jan Slack, Austin Ethnic Fair
We hold the banner high for Puerto Rico everyday!
Thank you in advance for your donation of any size!!
Become a SUSTAINING DONOR with a recurring MONTHLY donation!
Or DONATE through PAYPAL GIVING FUND (no fees are subtacted)!
For more information:
Dr. Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Cultural Center Address: 701 Tillery Street #13,
Austin TX 78702-3738 (Map & Directions)
Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728-4555
Phone: +1.512.251.8122
Email: dance@prfdance.org
Web: www.prfdance.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/prfdance
Copyright ©1997-2025 Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance, Inc. All rights
reserved. Terms of use.