Taino Areyto for Kalpulli Tlalteca
April 18, 2010

The first "Puerto Rican" born on our beautiful island was a baby of a Taina mother and Spaniard father. On April 18, the Kalpulli Tlalteca of Mesoamerica, led by Elder Carlos Aceves, travelled to Austin -- 14 hours -- to bring a gift of original corn harvest to the children of the Taino of Boriken. With the greatest honor and respect, we offered an Areyto, a ceremonial dance, as a gift in return. This once in a lifetime event took place under the beautiful trees at our Cultural Center. Visitors came as far away as Chicago to be part of this experience. Here is the beautiful history behind it.

Around 7000 years ago, the native peoples of Mesoamerica breeded the first corn they called "teozintli" from indigenous grass. Over time, corn made its pilgrimage into North America, to Florida, and from there to the Taino who called it "maisi" (maiz). The Spanish conquistadors brought the name maiz to Mexico, as corn is most commonly called today.

During this special event, the Kalpulli Tlalteca people of Mesoamerica completed a three year journey to complete the circle -- and fulfill a prophesy -- in the return of the original maiz to the Taino people. In 1982, when they were working to restore the tradition of the planting of original corn, an elder by the name of Rafael Guerrero (Yaqui) gave them a prophecy: indigenous nations that were thought dead will come back to life. That will be one of the signs that their time had come.

With the greatest honor and respect, we the children of the Taino of Boriken accepted the corn during our Areyto, and planted three of the seeds in authentic ceremony with the Kalpulli Tlalteca Elder. Enjoy this photo-diary that is documenting the corn's growth!

Later that summer we brought the gift of original corn home to Boriken so that it could be planted on sacred land in Boriken to "continue" the circle. Enjoy the photo memories of that homecoming ceremony.

We would like to thank Cacike Caciba Opil (Piedra Sagrado del Espiritu), of El Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu A Boriken. for teaching us about our Taino heritage. Our Director, Tekina-eirú is mentored in her native traditions by the Cacike. She is a Tekina in the Suania -- a Teacher of Taino traditions in the Americas, and a leader of ceremonial dance.

Taino Areyto for Kalpulli Tlalteca

"Proud of our Taino blood! From the roots of this noble tree,
the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eirú

Enjoy more photos of our Taino Heritage!!

For more information:
Dr. Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Cultural Center Address: 701 Tillery Street #13, Austin TX 78702-3738 (Map & Directions)
Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728-4555
Phone: +1.512.251.8122      Email: dance@prfdance.org          Web: www.prfdance.org     
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