Cultural History of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico has a rich culture whose origin is based in
native Taino, Spanish and West African roots.
As we teach the traditional music and dances of the Puerto Rico,
we also teach the history and cultural significance behind them.
You can't truly know a people, unless you understand their history!
Please enjoy these short articles our Founding Director,
Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard
has written to help students and the www community get to know
the richness of our Puerto Rican heritage.
Trained in oral history and traditions by Island masters,
our Director is a recognized resource on the mainland for Puerto Rico's
cultural arts history and traditions.
Seis Chorreao
Bailes de Salon (Danza)
**Original Quote,
"Puerto Rico nacio bailando con el Areyto indio...y siempre ha vivido danzando."
From Cesareo Rosa-Nieves,
"Apuntes sobre los bailes in Puerto Rico," Historia 1/2 (October 1951), p. 191 and
Cesareo Rosa-Nieves, "Voz Folklorica de Puerto Rico", Troutman Press 1967,
p. 83.
We hold the banner high for Puerto Rico everyday!
Thank you in advance for your donation of any size!!
Become a SUSTAINING DONOR with a recurring MONTHLY donation!
Or DONATE through PAYPAL GIVING FUND (no fees are subtacted)!
For more information:
Dr. Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Cultural Center Address: 701 Tillery Street #13,
Austin TX 78702-3738 (Map & Directions)
Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728-4555
Phone: +1.512.251.8122
Copyright ©1997-2025 Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance, Inc. All rights
reserved. Terms of use.