_____ Yes! I understand I am registering for a semester-long program. I can enjoy a significant discount by paying semester tuition/dues in full, or pay the full semester in monthly installments.
_____ Yes! Due to the fluctuating reality of COVID, our mask wearing policy is regularly reviewed. If our cultural center requests it, I agree to wear a mask to protect ourselves and our vulnerable community around us. Masks are always welcome. Those who cannot wear a mask during requested times, for whatever reason, are asked not to register.
_____ Yes! I will make my best effort to contact my teacher in advance if I will miss class so that she/he can plan ahead.
_____ Yes! I will do my best to arrive to class on time. I will do my best to contact my teacher if I am running late.
_____ Yes! I want to be famous forever! I give permission to use our class photos for promotions and on social media to promote our school & programs.
____ Yes! I will respect creative property. I understand the artistic material that I learn are copyright, creative property of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. I will not publicly perform or teach PRFDance material to those not enrolled unless I have prior approval by the Director. I will not distribute music, videos or materials obtained from PRFDance (or allowed to capture) for my educational use.
FORM UPDATED: 8/11/2023