Boricuas! Pronto el Census va a llegar en el correo. Aqui son instrucciones si quiere identificar como Taino de Boriken en El Census.
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In English y Espa~nol
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: PRFDance & Census - Televised Performance at State Capitol (March 12)!! From: "Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard"Date: Sun, March 7, 2010 4:09 pm To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends! On Friday March 12 (10am), Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance will join the U.S. Census Bureau in a televised event on the South Steps of the Texas State Capitol, along with Secretary of State Hope Andrade, Census Bureau Regional Director Gabriel Sanchez, the Mexican-American Legislative Caucus, the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, and others! PRFDance will honor Puerto Rico's "primera raiz" (1st root) with a performance of native Taino music, with authentic ceremonial log drums and bajio (Taino flute). We will also perform Bomba, featuring authentic barril drums and improvised dance, to honor Africa's contribution to our lively culture. The event will feature the 2010 Census Texas Road Tour Van, an interactive display that will be prominently featured against the capitol building, and will open with an inspirational performance by the Austin Community Steelband Band (Steelpan). I won't spoil the surprise, but if you are easily moved, bring your tissues! Census - Boricuas be counted! ----------------------------- We urge all Puerto Ricans to fill out their Census, especially those here with me in the Big State of Texas!!! Judging by the large numbers of "banderas" I see in cars today, our numbers have greatly grown! To those Boricuas who further identify as Taino, this is an opportunity to reverse the 1800 Census (to Spain) that eliminated the Indio category, and erased on paper the existance of thousands of Taino still living in the mountains of Boriken. The Taino people, thousands across the US and Puerto Rico, have a unique opportunity to let the world know... "We, the Taino are still here." Simple directions (English & Spanish) below. If you find this topic fascinating, enjoy Thursday's interview from the American Statesman (Ahora Si), the latest of many interviews: Censo: Un mal conteo cuesta mucho,, Tania Lara, March 4, 2010 Census 2010 & Taino de Boriken - Instrucciones / Instructions --------------------------------------------------------------- Boricuas! Instructions to further identify as Taino from Boriken in the Census. Boricuas! Instrucciones si quiere identificar como Taino de Boriken en El Census. - Question #8: Ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino Origin), choose "Yes Puerto Rico". PREGUNTA #8 ETNICIDAD (ORIGEN HISPANO/LATINO), ESCOGE: "Yes, Puerto Rican" - Question #9: Race, Choose, American Indian and write in"Taino" PREGUNTA #9 RAZA, ESCOGE: "American Indian" Y ESCRIBE "Taino" Example: Muestra: Semign cacona guari, Que Dios te cuide y te guarde siempre. -- Dr. Tekina-eiru' Maynard Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu a Boriken Website: AND Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard, Founding Director Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Center Location: 701 Tillery Street, Austin TX 78702 Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728 Website: Email: Phone: (512)251-8122 "Proud of our Taino Blood! From the roots of this noble tree, the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eiru' --------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: Census 2010 & Taino de Boriken - Instrucciones / Instructions From: "Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard" Date: Wed, March 3, 2010 7:56 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yao Guaytiao / Hi Friends / Hola Amigos The Census is already arriving at many homes. Here are instructions if you want to identify as a Taino from Boriken in the Census. El Census esta llegando ya a muchas casas. Esto son instrucciones si quiere identificar como Taino de Boriken en El Census. Census 2010 - Instructions for el Pueblo Taino de Boriken!! English Version (Espa~nol Abajo) ---------------------------------------------------------- Maria Rocha and Mario Garza from Indigenous Cultures Institute (Census 2010 partners) have been educating and guiding us on how Taino from Boriken can best self-identify on the 2010 Census so that Taino voices can count, as maximum-as-possible, as indigenous people who -- really are -- alive and well. Here is information for all who are interested in this topic! First some words of inspiration --------------------------------- In 1800 on Boriken (Puerto Rico) -- at the time, part of Spain -- thousands of full-blooded Taino who still lived in the mountains disappeared from record when the Indian category was dropped from the Census. The new changes to the US 2010 Census give Taino the opportunity to get BACK on the Census! The US Census creates categories based on who they think are "alive" to count. The Taino people have a unique opportunity to "inform" the Census that "We, the Taino are still here." What can Taino do to best be counted? -------------------------------------- According to the Indigenous Cultures Institute, the BEST WAY Taino of Boriken can be counted and effect change in the Census is if the thousands of Taino in Puerto Rico and on the mainland -- yes, thousands -- ALL FILL OUT THE CENSUS IN THE SAME WAY, so that there is no confusion, and all are counted in the same "category". Indigenous Cultures Institute recommends that Taino from Boriken fill out the Census in the follow way: - Question #8 on Ethnicity (Hispanic Origin), choose: "Yes, Puerto Rican" - Question #9 on Race, choose: "American Indian" and WRITE IN "Taino" If you would like to fill out the Census in this way, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is what this looks like (English, Spanish): Final Words --------------------------- "The Census is counting people and wants to know how you identify yourself. Each individual who fills out a Census survey form can self-identify any way they want. This 2010 Census is an opportunity for us to make the U.S. government and its citizens aware that there are Native people here who are still alive and honoring their Native ancestry. It is important that all Native people have a voice in this country and be acknowledged when decisions are made about public policy, funds, and other national interests." -- Maria Rocha, Indigenous Cultures Institute Please forward this information to all who would benefit! ---------------------------------------------------------- Census 2010 - Instructiones para el Pueblo Taino de Boriken!! Version en Espa~nol (English Above) ---------------------------------------------------------- Maria Rocha and Mario Garza del Instituto de culturas Indigenas (Companyeros del Censo 2010) esta educando y guiando nosotros acerca de como puede hacerse contar la voz Taina en su maxima expresion, como gente indigena que en verdad sigue viva y Bien. Este correo es para compartir estas noticias! Primero los quiero inspirar con algo... --------------------------------- En el anyo 1800 en Boriken (Puerto Rico) -- cuando era parte de Espanya -- Miles de TAinos de pura sangre aun vivian en las montanyas pero no los contaron, ya que la categoria "Indio" fue eliminada del Censo Espanyol. Los cambios al Censo del 2010 Census nos dan al Taino la oportunidad de VOLVER SER CONTADOS EN EL CENSO! Las categorias del Censo Estadounidense estan creadas segun la gente que ellos creen esta viva aun y necesitan contar. Los TAinos tenemos la oportunidad de informar al censo de que LOS TAINOS AUN EXISTIMOS. DE QUE MANERA SERIA MEJOR SER CONTADOS COMO TAINOS? -------------------------------------- Segun el Instituto de Culturas Indigenas, La MEJOR MANERA para los tainos ser contados es y causar un cambio en el censo es si los miles de taino en la isla y en los EU (SI SOMOS MILES) LLENAMOS EL CENSO DE LA MISMA FORMA, para que nos cuenten en la misma categoria y no haya confusion El ICI DICE QUE LOS TAINOS DE BPRIKEN DEBE IDENTIFICARSE CON ESTO: - PREGUNTA #8 ETNICIDAD (ORIGEN HISPANO), ESCOGE: "Yes, Puerto Rican" - PREGUNTA #9 RAZA, ESCOGE: "American Indian" Y ESCRIBE "Taino" SE VERIA DE ESTA MANERA EN LA PLANILLA: EXHORTACION FINAL --------------------------- "El Censo cuenta la personas y le interesa saber como usted se identifica. Cada individuo que llena una encuesta del Censo puede auto/identificarse de la forma que desee. Este Censo del 2010 es la oportunidad que temenos para dejar saber al gobierno de los E.U. que sus ciiudadanos estan al tanto de que existen aun pesonas Nativas de estas tierras y que honran y reconocen sus Ancestros Nativos. Es de importancia de que toda persona Nativa tenga una voz en este pais y que se le cuente cuando decisiones se lleven a cabo acerca de medidas publicas, fondos disponibles y otros intereses nacionales." --Maria Rocha, Indigenous Cultures Institute ENVIEN ESTO A TODO AQUEL QUE SE INTERESE! Semign cacona guari, Que Dios te cuide y te guarde siempre. -- Dr. Tekina-eiru' Maynard Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu a Boriken Website: AND Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard, Founding Director Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Center Location: 701 Tillery Street, Austin TX 78702 Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728 Website: Email: Phone: (512)251-8122 "Proud of our Taino Blood! From the roots of this noble tree, the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eiru' ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: PRFDance - Taino Census 2010, News Story, Further Instructions!! From: "Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard" Date: Wed, February 17, 2010 5:39 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yao Guaytiao (Hi Friends, in Taino!) Apparently my email ("Taino, be counted in Census 2010!!") got the interest of local media in Central Texas! Enjoy yesterday's News8 Austin interview of Maria Rocha, Indigenous Cultures Institute discussing the changes to the 2010 Census that give opportunity for Hispanics to FURTHER self-identify as Indigenous people: This week Maria Rocha and Mario Garza from Indigenous Cultures Institute (Census 2010 partners) gave me further education and guidance on how Taino can best self-identify on the 2010 Census so that Taino voices can count, as maximum-as-possible, as indigenous people who -- really are -- alive and well. This email shares this information with all who are interested in this topic! First some words of inspiration --------------------------------- In 1800 on Boriken (Puerto Rico) -- at the time, part of Spain -- thousands of full-blooded Taino who still lived in the mountains disappeared from record when the Indian category was dropped from the Census. The new changes to the US 2010 Census give Taino the opportunity to get BACK on the Census! The US Census creates categories based on who they think are "alive" to count. The Taino people have a unique opportunity to "inform" the Census that "We, the Taino are still here." What can Taino do to best be counted? -------------------------------------- According to the Indigenous Cultures Institute, the BEST WAY Taino of Boriken can be counted and effect change in the Census is if the thousands of Taino in Puerto Rico and on the mainland -- yes, thousands -- ALL FILL OUT THE CENSUS IN THE SAME WAY, so that there is no confusion, and all are counted in the same "category". Indigenous Cultures Institute recommends that Taino from Boriken fill out the Census in the follow way: - Question #8 on Ethnicity (Hispanic Origin), choose: "Yes, Puerto Rican" - Question #9 on Race, choose: "American Indian" and WRITE IN "Taino" If you would like to fill out the Census in this way, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is what this looks like: Final Words --------------------------- I'd like to thank The Indigenous Cultures Institute for their education and guidance in this important issue. They are happy to hear from anyone who may have questions. Maria Rocha shares with us these final words: "The Census is counting people and wants to know how you identify yourself. Each individual who fills out a Census survey form can self-identify any way they want. This 2010 Census is an opportunity for us to make the U.S. government and its citizens aware that there are Native people here who are still alive and honoring their Native ancestry. It is important that all Native people have a voice in this country and be acknowledged when decisions are made about public policy, funds, and other national interests." Last but not least, if you have questions about YOUR Taino identity and do not have anyone to speak to, feel free to contact me. Please forward this information to all who would benefit! Semign cacona guari, Que Dios te cuide y te guarde siempre. -- Dr. Tekina-eiru' Maynard Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu a Boriken Website: AND Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard, Founding Director Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Center Location: 701 Tillery Street, Austin TX 78702 Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728 Website: Email: Phone: (512)251-8122 "Proud of our Taino Blood! From the roots of this noble tree, the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eiru' ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: PRFDance - Taino, be counted in Census 2010!! From: "Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard" Date: Sat, February 13, 2010 8:47 am -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends! As many know (and many don't know!), the Taino people are far from "dead". How can Taino be counted in the Census? I would like thank Maria Rocha at the Indigenous Cultures Institute ( who was able to provide information on how Taino from Boriken can be counted: "At the Census Bureau conference in San Antonio where Indigenous Cultures was invited to attend along with several tribal entities, the information on the attached flyer that we developed was explained to everyone. We are Census 2010 Partners and will be distributing this flyer at the powwow this weekend and everywhere we go. As you will see, Puerto Ricans are explicitly named on question 8 of the Census survey, and then you can claim "indigineity" and tribal heritage on question 9. The Census is not governed by law, as you can self identify as ANYTHING YOU WANT -- freedom of speech. And your privacy is protected, as their website shows. Our new website has a link to the Census website as well. Thank you so much for asking about this most vital question for the sake of your People." -- Maria Rocha, Indigenous Cultures Institute Please forward this information to all who would benefit. Semign cacona guari, Que Dios te cuide y te guarde siempre. -- Dr. Tekina-eiru' Maynard Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu a Boriken Website: AND Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard, Founding Director Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Center Location: 701 Tillery Street, Austin TX 78702 Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728 Website: Myspace: Email: Phone: (512)251-8122 "Proud of our Taino Blood! From the roots of this noble tree, the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eiru' --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to Mariella, a Taina from my pueblo of Guatu Ma Cu, who translated this important message for us into Spanish. ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: PRFDance - (Espanol) Taino Census 2010, Prensa y Instrucciones From: "Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru Maynard" Date: Wed, February 17, 2010 4:18 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yao Guaytiao (Hola amigos, en Taino!) Aparentemente mi email ("Taino, be counted in Census 2010!!") llamo la atencion de los madios locales en TExas Central! Aqui esta para que disfruten del canal 8 de noticias en Austin TX la entrevista con Maria Rocha del Instituto de Culturas Indigenas hablando de los cambios al Censo 2010 que dan oportunidad para los hispanos de auto identificarse ADEMAS como gente Indigena: Esta semana Maria Rocha and Mario Garza del Instituto de culturas Indigenas (Companyeros del Censo 2010) me educaron y guiaron acerca de como puede hacerse contar la voz Taina en su maxima expresion, como gente indigena que en verdad sigue viva y Bien. Este correo es para compartir estas noticias! Primero los quiero inspirar con algo... --------------------------------- En el anyo 1800 en Boriken (Puerto Rico) -- cuando era parte de Espanya -- Miles de TAinos de pura sangre aun vivian en las montanyas pero no los contaron, ya que la categoria "Indio" fue eliminada del Censo Espanyol. Los cambios al Censo del 2010 Census nos dan al Taino la oportunidad de VOLVER SER CONTADOS EN EL CENSO! Las categorias del Censo Estadounidense estan creadas segun la gente que ellos creen esta viva aun y necesitan contar. Los TAinos tenemos la oportunidad de informar al censo de que LOS TAINOS AUN EXISTIMOS. DE QUE MANERA SERIA MEJOR SER CONTADOS COMO TAINOS? -------------------------------------- Segun el Instituto de Culturas Indigenas, La MEJOR MANERA para los tainos ser contados es y causar un cambio en el censo es si los miles de taino en la isla y en los EU (SI SOMOS MILES) LLENAMOS EL CENSO DE LA MISMA FORMA, para que nos cuenten en la misma categoria y no haya confusion El ICI DICE QUE LOS TAINOS DE BPRIKEN DEBE IDENTIFICARSE CON ESTO: - PREGUNTA #8 ETNICIDAD (ORIGEN HISPANO), ESCOGE: "Yes, Puerto Rican" - PREGUNTA #9 RAZA, ESCOGE: "American Indian" Y ESCRIBE "Taino" SE VERIA DE ESTA MANERA EN LA PLANILLA: EXHORTACION FINAL --------------------------- AGRADEZCO AL ICI POR SU EDUCACION Y CONSEJERIA EN ESTE ASUNTO. ESPERAN PODER CONTESTAR SUS PREGUNTAS, NO DUDEN EN LLAMAR.MARIA ROCHA POR SU PARTE NOS COMUNICA: "El Censo cuenta la personas y le interesa saber como usted se identifica. Cada individuo que llena una encuesta del Censo puede auto/identificarse de la forma que desee. Este Censo del 2010 es la oportunidad que temenos para dejar saber al gobierno de los E.U. que sus ciiudadanos estan al tanto de que existen aun pesonas Nativas de estas tierras y que honran y reconocen sus Ancestros Nativos.b> Es de importancia de que toda persona Nativa tenga una voz en este pais y que se le cuente cuando decisiones se lleven a cabo acerca de medidas publicas, fondos disponibles y otros intereses nacionales." --Maria Rocha Ultimo, pero no menos importante, si tiene preguntas acerca de si tiene o no ancestros tainos no duden en contactarme. ENVIEN ESTO A TODO AQUEL QUE SE INTERESE! Semign cacona guari, Que Dios te cuide y te guarde siempre. -- Dr. Tekina-eiru' Maynard Concilio Taino Guatu Ma Cu a Boriken Website: AND Dr. Ana Maria Tekina-eiru' Maynard, Founding Director Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Center Location: 701 Tillery Street, Austin TX 78702 Mailing Address: 15228 Quiet Pond Court, Austin TX 78728 Website: Email: Phone: (512)251-8122 "Proud of our Taino Blood! From the roots of this noble tree, the next generation grows!" -- Tekina-eiru'